Mar 12, 2007

Day 65

I love this sign. The restaurant has been closed since I was a kid (we're talking late 60's here) but the sign has remained. In it's heyday the cow would "jump" over the moon (rock back and forth).

and the cows across the street from the He was looking at the camera up until I snapped the pic.

and here's where WE spent the majority of our afternoon. Holy about overwhelming! Sheesh.

I think this qualifies as something BLUE for my photo challenge. ;)


~ Natalie~ said...

Definitely BLUE! I love Ikea.

Maggie said...

Today was my first time there. WHOA! I wish w'd brought the van. Maybe it's a good thing we didn't. LOL

Erica said...

You can spend soooo much time in IKEA. And yup, that is BLUE! We have more furniture then I care to admit from IKEA.

Heather said...

Very cool sign!

I LOVE IKEA. I'm with Erica. I think 3/4 of our house is furnished by IKEA. LOL.

Great job getting the blue challenge right off the bat!