Apr 3, 2010

ties and eggs met and meshed. Pretty cool i think!

Pile o' ties waiting for their eggs to dye
 Cool Silk Tie Dyed Eggs

Okay, I can't stand Martha Stewart any more than most people but sometimes....just sometimes she has a good thought. Great idea. These eggs dyed with silk ties are super easy to make. I went out to the 98cent store and bought 3 of them (for I had already purchased two, god awful ones at Good Will. $5 a piece. dang. Live and learn). Ironically enough the two $5 ties did nothing....nothing!! The cheapie 98cent ties rocked. The crazier,the more god-awful pattern on the tie..the BETTER!


Tip #1...skip Goodwill. They're cheap...but not that cheap.  

Since you also need a bedsheet or linen I also bought a pillowcase at the 98cent store.  

Tip #2...get everything at the 98cent store. They have it all!

Tip #3...If your egg doesn't come out (or comes out plain like 4 of mine did) re-wrap them in one of the used ties that DID work and re-boil. Works FABULOUSLY!

and that's a good thing. ;)

{you can see the pics of the whole process here}


Laura said...

Great minds think alike ;)

Heather said...

They turned out amazing! I'll have to remember this for next year.