May 31, 2007

Day 145 - my bumperstickers better than....

May 30, 2007

day 144 - like sand through the hourglass...

May 29, 2007

Day 143

My attempt at capturing motion....UG!

May 28, 2007

Day 142 - Memorial Day

May 27, 2007

Day 141 - what a difference ISO makes

ISO 100 - 1/250 (I think)
same lighting conditions taken within 1 minute of the last pic.
ISO 800 - 1/40

May 26, 2007

Day 140 - natural technicolor (20 wks)

No color pop action was used. This is real color.
I defogged, burned the edges, sharpened for web and added my watermark.

May 25, 2007

Day 139 - a found flower

I loved that when I zoomed in you could see the pollen on the inner petals (and even some on my sofa).

May 24, 2007

Day 138 -weeds are flowers too

May 23, 2007

Day 137 - laying on a lightbox

May 22, 2007

Day 136 - the essentials

May 21, 2007

Day 135 - minnie (on a) mouse

May 20, 2007

Day 134 - bark!

May 19, 2007

Day 133 (19 weeks) wedding crystal

my glass is half full...

May 18, 2007

Day 132 - feeling groovy

May 17, 2007

Day 131 - oooh shiny

May 16, 2007

Day 130 - blurp

May 15, 2007

Day 129 - rainbow

May 14, 2007

Day 128 - condensation

May 13, 2007

Day 127 *Happy Mothers Day*


May 12, 2007

Day 126 (week 18)

my favorite Hot Wheels car of Ians

May 11, 2007

Day 125 - ginormous

May 10, 2007

Day 124 - boing!

May 9, 2007

Day 123 - cuddles

Play now, read later.

May 8, 2007

Day 122 - child organization

May 7, 2007

Day 121 - downtown

May 6, 2007

Day 120 - memorabilia

memories of childhood...
Dolls I played with endlessly. I snuck them out of my moms curio. They're pure porcelain and quite old.

Painting that hung in my room. It really creeped me out. Still does. It's painted on green velvet and like most of the paintings in our house it was painted by an inmate. Apparently the clown represented his alcholic father and the monkey in the wedding gown represented his mother. Yeah, not your usual painting to hang in a childs room.

This is not from my childhood, I just liked it. My parents had it for YEARS and years before they finally hung it up. I believe they found this in Hawaii.

May 5, 2007

Day 119 *Cinco de Mayo* (17 weeks)

Sure it's blown out, not tack sharp but...I love it!

May 4, 2007

Day 118 - swim with da fishes

Weekly Challenge: Food
playing with the fishes...

May 3, 2007

Day 117 - yum

Weekly Challenge: food

May 2, 2007

Day 116 - cool

Weekly Challenge: food
my summertime weakness...Otter Pops!

May 1, 2007

Day 115

Weekly Challenge: Food